After the baby is born, Mother and Father must be ready for the next adventure which is to provide breast milk for the Little One. Now, in addition to knowledge and techniques, apparently there is a list of equipment for breastfeeding that should be known to facilitate this process. Although it is natural, but breastfeeding will be more comfortable with equipment that can support. Come on Mother, prepare whatever objects are needed. Various Breastfeeding Equipment Needed The process of breastfeeding is not always easy and fun, especially for new mothers. Sometimes this process makes Mother feel frustrated, especially if various things or conditions arise that are not expected. The good news, there are various equipment that you can use to make this process easier, including: Nursing pillow Nursing pillows are basically pillows that are used to support the baby's body. Now the nursing pillow is specially designed to make your back comfortable while breastfeeding. If there i...